
ReadyGate AGS

Automation That's Affordable 

Finally, the wait for a full featured, cost effective and remotely managed Automated Gate System (AGS) is over! Nascent’s ReadyGate solution allows leased or low volume terminals, depots and distribution centers to automate and secure their truck gates...without adding people or up-front investment. Leveraging 26 years and 1200 lanes of experience in some of the world’s largest container terminals, the Nascent team has ‘value engineered’ its world class SYNAPSE AGS specifically to meet the unique demands of the thousands of inland container yards.

How did we do it? By listening to you and building a solution that gives you:

  • Automation in days(not months) with no site preparation required
  • Reduced data entry and billing errors, with no people in the lanes ever
  • Fully automated gate control to ID and process trucks and all equipment in seconds
  • Optional remote guard services for unmanned operations 24/7
  • API integration with your YMS/TOS/WMS
  • Flexible leasing options to speed ROI


Nascent Ready Gate LP (2)

Any facility, anywhere, with no strings attached

We get size doesn't fit all. You may operate multiple facilities that need different solutions, staffing levels and technology.

ReadyGate delivers a variety of modular, remotely managed gate control devices to collect info and process transactions at your entry and exit points. ReadyGate AGS includes:

  • Ruggedized outdoor kiosks to interface with drivers
  •  Best-in-class OCR to ID all assets at the gate
  • High security barrier gates and traffic signals
  • Remote exception management software to allow remote guards to fix any problems quickly

Flexible purchase options

Whether you are looking to purchase the hardware upfront or would like a lease option to eliminate upfront CAPEX, our tailored purchase options are designed to fit your budget. Best of all, the entire system is installed in a matter of days with only a 120VAC power connection required.



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"My gates are so fast,

they're irrelevant." 

- Matt Hunnicutt, LBCT

ReadyGate approach

Visibility & Security Made Simple

Automated gates don't call in sick or show up late. Our ReadyGate solution enables your facilities to operate 24/7 to keep goods moving with a highly optimized process:

  • Customer (with cargo) arrives and scans their Driver's license or QR code at the kiosk (or enters their access code/booking number)  
  • Cameras ID the truck, chassis and container, matching that info to your YMS/TOS
  • Driver is given the green light to enter, with all data and images being recorded so that inventory and billing records get updated immediately
  • Any exceptions are routed to a remote guard who can talk to the driver and see all collected images...ensuring speedy processing & reducing congestion